This is an introduction to Horticulture for teenagers and adults with additional educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and a gardening journal.
The resource is intended to introduce students to plants and the basics of gardening, including:
Gardening tools and equipment
Common plant types
Safety in the garden
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
(LSH1) Identify common gardening tools and equipment, e.g. lawnmower, gardening gloves, rake, spade, trowel
(LSH2) Recognise a number of common plant types, e.g. trees, shrubs, conifers, bedding plants
(LSH3) Identify different parts of a plant, e.g. root, stem, leaves, fruit/flower
(LSH4) Grow a plant from seed or bulb
(LSH5) Plant up, e.g. a garden/bedding plant, a hanging basket or container
(LSH6) Practice essential care skills under close supervision for, e.g. a lawn or flower bed or plant
(LSH7) Take adequate safety precautions as directed
Topics include:
Identifying garden tools and their uses
Garden activities
Trees, flowers, shrubs
Parts of a tree / plant
Plant parts we eat
Life cycle of plants
Preparing for planting
What plants need
Planting seeds / bulbs / seedlings / transplants
Maintaining plants
Protective clothing
Safe gardening practices
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use the resources for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All the components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides and gardening journal.
Student Worksheets: 108 Pages
Teaching Slides: 93
This is an introduction to Horticulture for teenagers and adults with additional educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and a gardening journal.
The resource is intended to introduce students to horticulture, including:
Types of trees, shrubs and plants
Garden tools and their uses
Garden safety
What plants need
Topics include:
Parts of a tree, flower and shrub
Hazardous plants
Planting conditions
Planting ideas
The weather
Life cycle of a plant or flower
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
Identify some common trees & shrubs
Using a range of common gardening tools and equipment
Plant a vegetable or flower bed
Name conditions that help plants grow and flourish
Described the four main stages of the life cycle of a plant
Describe some functions of a plant leaf
Show safe working practices in the garden
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides and gardening journal.
Student Worksheets: 138 Pages
Teaching Slides: 107 Slides
These are practice worksheets for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. These worksheets include reading, writing, numeracy and technology, with a strong focus on reading.
The worksheets can be used for the introduction, reinforcement and consolidation of concepts. Examples of worksheets include:
Food label
Personal safety checklist
Job application
Social media
Signs and symbols
** Topics include:**
At home
Going places
These worksheets are designed to cover many learning outcomes and there is a full list of the learning objectives at the end of the resource.
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. These worksheets can be printed, and teachers can use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. This resource is not currently fillable, but can be made so with specialised software.
What is included?
Student worksheets
Student Worksheets: 250 Pages
This is an introduction to Health and Safety Awareness for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and teaching slides.
The resource is intended to introduce students to Health and Safety Awareness, including:
General Safety
Fire Safety
Safety Investigation
Topics include:
The importance of health and safety
Basic principles of health and safety
Types of hazards
Risk assessment
Employer responsibilities
Employee responsibilities
Fire prevention
Fire extinguishers
Emergency exit plan
Fire blanket
Smoke alarms
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
Describe the basic principles underpinning health and safety
Describe health and safety related issues in a familiar work or learning environment in the context of the tools, equipment and associated documentation
Define both employer and employee responsibilities for a familiar work or learning environment with regard to health and safety and accident prevention by referring to appropriate legislation
Group hazards by type, including physical, electrical mechanical, chemical, psychological and work related musculoskeletal disorders
Give examples of ergonomic risks in a familiar work or learning environment
Demonstrate the correct method of using a fire blanket and firefighting equipment
Participate in a fire drill following procedures correctly
Describe the procedures to be taken following an accident
Demonstrate knowledge of personal and workplace health, safety and hygiene
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and teaching slides.
Student Worksheets: 94 Pages
Teaching Slides: 85 Slides
This is an introduction to Drama for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes worksheets, teacher notes and extras.
The resource is intended to introduce students to some elements of drama such as character, setting and self-expression. The focus is on gaining confidence and improving communication skills through drama games and activities.
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
(1) Explore elementary movement, e.g. travelling, stretching, bending
(2) Make sounds to create different effects, e.g. to create a soundscape, dawn chorus
(3) Respond to instruction in the context of theatre/drama, e.g. through games
(4) Engage in a simple embodiment as an individual/pair, e.g. mirroring an image, simple replications of text/image
(5) Present a short dramatic idea, e.g. strike a pose, mirror an expression, short skit
(6) Be part of an audience, e.g. being quiet, clapping
Show an awareness of being part of an audience
Explore and react to props, costumes, actions and sensory stimuli in a dramatic context
Participate in the re/telling of contemporary/historical/cultural events or stories through interactive games and/or dramatic activities
Show an awareness of being part of an acting group
Co-operate or work alongside/in parallel with others in making, choosing and using props, costumes and sets
Work independently or collaboratively to produce a rehearsed piece of drama for an audience
Express and/or identify emotions in a dramatic context
Topics include:
Being Part of an Audience
Types of Drama
An Acting Space
Costumes and Props
What is Creative Drama
Drama games and activities
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. However, it is not currently fillable online. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. Most of the activities are practical and printing the worksheets is optional.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teacher notes and extras.
Student Worksheets: 45 Pages
Teacher Notes: 150 Pages
This is an introduction to Emotional Health for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teacher notes and teaching slides.
The resource is intended to introduce students to emotional wellbeing and self-awareness, including:
Awareness of self in the environment
Awareness of own personal abilities and skills
Personal care and hygiene
Food and nutrition
Types of emotion
Expressing feelings
Coping strategies
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes, among others:
Understand that own features are unique
Use motivation to improve personal abilities and skills
Cooperate with adults who give daily support
Take part in personal care routines
Use the senses to explore foods
Use eating and drinking utensils
Take part in preparing food
Show basic hygiene rules around food
Follow safety rules in the kitchen
Make healthy snacks
Plan, shop for and prepare healthy food
Express some feelings
Show interest in the feelings of others and respond
Show interest and enjoyment in being with others
Topics include:
Abilities, skills, talents
Anger management
Healthy living
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use the resources for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides and teacher notes.
Student Worksheets: 144 Pages
Teaching Slides: 88
This is an introduction to Digital Media for teenagers and adults with additional educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and teaching slides.
The resource is intended to introduce students to digital media, including:
Digital media technologies
Online identity
Using social media for business purposes
Maintaining digital media content
Topics include:
A study of different devices
Digital media evolution
Using digital media technologies
Setting up social media accounts
Creating digital content
Promoting interaction
Stages in production of digital content
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
Describe a range of current digital media technologies and their application in daily life and in an organisational context
Explain the role of digital media technology in a range of organisations
Describe the evolution of digital media technology and the impact it has on the business environment
Outline the pre-production, production and post-production stages involved in the creation of digital media content
Explain how a range of digital media technologies meet the technology requirements of a variety of familiar organisations
Explain the role of digital media technologies in the creation of an online identity
Use a range of current digital media technologies and applications to include digital video and audio, social media applications and mobile technologies to create digital media content
Set up a business page on a social networking website including using available tools to promote the business and monitor activity
Maintain digital media channels by uploading and updating content to include audio, video and text
Apply the legal requirements of digital media technology usage to include copyright law, workplace policies, privacy legislation and other applicable legislation
Create digital media content to meet an organisation’s requirements
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and teaching slides.
Student Worksheets: 125 Pages
Teaching Slides: 61 Slides
This workbook is an** introduction to reading** for teenagers and adults with special educational needs.
It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and sight word lists.
The resource is intended to introduce students to the construction of words and everyday reading. The focus is on gaining confidence in reading, including:
Using word strategies
Sight words
Signs and symbols
Everyday reading
Reading techniques
** Topics include:**
Word families
Basic punctuation
Scanning and skimming
Key words
Fact or fiction
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
(R1) Recognise some familiar words independently including some that are commonly used and personally relevant
(R2) Interpret some common symbols and signs in familiar contexts
(R3) Demonstrate awareness of text conventions, print material and the alphabet, e.g. reading from left to right, top to bottom, concept of a sentence, brand names and logos on print materials, recognizing cues and clues, seeking the amount payable on a bill
(R4) Make sense of simple personally relevant sentences containing familiar words
(R5) Use word identification strategies, e.g. context of words, sight sounds, word endings
(R6) Identify the nature of familiar documents, e.g. bills, junk mail, instructions
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is designed to be used in person. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so.
What materials are included?
All the components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides and sight word lists.
Worksheets: 218 Pages
Teaching Slides: 138
This is an introduction to Quantity and Number for teenagers and adults with special educational needs.
The resource is intended to introduce students to the concepts of numbers, including:
Numbers 1 to 10
Number value
Maths words
** These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:**
(QN1) Name one- and two-digit whole numbers from 0-10
(QN2) Recognise the relationship between numerical value and groups of objects, up to and including 10
(QN3) Record one- and two-digit numbers
(QN4) Recognise the language of mathematics in everyday situations using elementary language, e.g. greater than, less than, bigger than, farther than
(QN5) Apply number bonding between 0 and 10
Topics include:
Reading and writing numbers
More or less
Number bonds to 10
Addition and subtraction
Measurement words
Position words
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is designed to be used in person. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. These worksheets are best printed, although teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
Student Worksheets: 120 Pages
Teaching Slides: 109
This is a follow-up to Measurement for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets teaching slides and a teacher preparation table.
The resource is intended to give students everyday measurement activities including:
Length and Distance
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
Develop an awareness of temperature
Develop an awareness of weight and capacity
Develop an awareness of length and distance
Develop an awareness of time
Topics include:
Measurement vocabulary
Measurement in everyday life
Measuring tools
Estimating measurements
Measuring temperature, weight, capacity and length
Weather temperatures
Days of the week, months of the year
The calendar
Analogue and digital time
Elapsed time
Measurement word problems
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is designed to be used in person. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. These worksheets are best printed, although teachers can use also them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What additional materials are needed?
None, all of the components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets and teaching slides
Student Worksheets: 187 Pages
Teaching Slides: 66
This is an introduction to **Caring for Animals **(DOGS) for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and a student project.
The resource is intended to introduce students to caring for animals, including:
Learning about dogs
Caring for dogs
The dog around the home
The dog in the community
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
Learning about different dogs
Learning to care for dogs
The benefits of having a dog
The responsibilities of having a dog
Topics include:
Dog health
Exercising your dog
Costs of having a dog
Fear of dogs
Dogs that help us
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teacher slides and a student project.
Student Worksheets: 215 Pages
Teaching Slides: 134
Level 2 Personal Care
This is an introduction to Personal Care for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and templates.
The resource is intended to introduce students to personal care, including:
Personal hygiene
Personal health
Personal care checklist
Topics include:
Bathing, hand washing, cleaning your skin, washing your hair
Keeping active
Sleeping well
Benefits of water
Food safety
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
List essential daily care practices
Identify some benefits and consequences of good personal care
Explain the benefits of a range of daily care products eg. dental care, anti-perspirant, hair care, foot care
Maintain an agreed personal plan
List reasons to care for personal belongings
Identify appropriate clothing for a range of routine activities at home, work and the community
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What additional materials are needed?
None, all of the components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides and templates.
Student Worksheets: 107 Pages
Teaching Slides: 121 Slides
Level 2 Managing Money
This is an introduction to Managing Money for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and answers.
The resource is intended to introduce students to managing money, including:
Euro Coins and notes
Shopping and bills
Topics include:
Comparison shopping
Checking your change
General money problems
Living expenses
Saving money
Needs and wants
Money safety
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
Recognise frequently used Euro notes and coins
Pay for an item correctly and count the change in a mock-up or real-life shopping transaction
Explain a shopping receipt in relation to what was brought, money tendered and correct change given
Understand a common household bill in relation to the service provided, how much being charged and how it can be paid for
Recognise the difference between using money to buy essential items and luxury items
Plan a personal budget for a week
Save a small amount of money each week to buy an item
Can this resource be used online?
This resource is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. These worksheets can be printed, and teachers can use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard. This resource is not currently fillable, but can be made so with specialised software.
What additional materials are needed?
None, all of the components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides and answers.
Student Worksheets: 153 Pages
Teaching Slides: 63
This is an introduction to Career Planning for teenagers and adults with additional educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides, templates and extras.
The resource is intended to introduce students to Career Planning, including:
Career planning and personal profile
Career paths
Coping with change
Career toolkit
Topics include:
Values inventory
Skills, e.g., soft skills, transferable, vocational
Long and short term goals
Career action plan
Effects of change
Job profile
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
Explain the principles underpinning career planning
Compile a personal profile
Develop achievable career objectives
Explore a variety of acceptable career options and job types
Compile information on personal contacts or networks
Describe the principles underpinning managing change
Practice a range of personal interactions to include interview skills
Compile a personal job seeking tool kit, e.g., cover letter, CV, portfolio of references, etc.
Prepare to participate in further education or training or employment by finding application requirements for a specific course or employment, applying as required, participating in a simulated interview and evaluating own performance.
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All of the components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides, templates and extras.
Student Worksheets: 157 Pages
Teaching Slides: 70 Slides
This is an introduction to Personal Care for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and extra slides.
The resource is intended to introduce students to the concept of personal care, including:
Personal care products
Personal care tools
Personal care routines
Keeping healthy and safe
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
(1) List routines in daily personal care practices, e.g. hair care, dental care, daily hygiene practices, etc.
(2) Practise essential skills that promote personal hygiene
(3) Identify a range of personal care products
Topics include:
Keeping clean and hygienic, e.g. washing, haircare, brushing teeth, skincare, face washing, body odour, etc.
Wound care
Keeping own environment clean
Taking care of belongings
Healthy eating
Daily routines
Personal care checklists
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use the resources for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What additional materials are needed?
None, all of the components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teacher slides and extra slides.
Student Worksheets: 116 Pages
Teaching Slides: 92
This is an introduction to Using Technology for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and extra slides.
The resource is intended to introduce students to the concept of technology, including:
Recognising technology, e.g. in the kitchen, living room, bathroom, garden, at the shop, for enjoyment, in the classroom, at work, in healthcare
Technology symbols, e.g. on remote control, appliances, mobile phone, online video, shopping categories
Using technology safely
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
(1) Identify technology in common use
(2) Identify the symbols on familiar technological devices, e.g. on/off switch, temperature symbols
(3) Use simple technological equipment for home/personal and workplace/educational use, requiring up to two functions, e.g. household appliance, telephone, swipe/clock system
(4) Pay attention to safe practice
Topics include:
What is technology?
Technology in the home
Technology out and about
Technology for entertainment
Technology for learning
Old and new technology
Social media
Icons and symbols
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use the resources for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides and extras.
Student Worksheets: 177 Pages
Teaching Slides: 75
Teacher Preparation Table
Teacher Verification Records
This is an introduction to Shape and Space for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets, teaching slides and many other extras.
The resource is intended to introduce students to shape and space, including:
2D shapes and forms
3D shapes and forms
Measurement words
Topics include :
Recognising 2D and 3D shapes
Shapes around us
3D drawings
Shape and space vocabulary, e.g. long and short, wide and narrow, big and small etc.
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
Recognise shapes and forms in everyday life eg. circles, rectangles, triangles, cubes
Identify key characteristics of shapes and form eg. no. of sides / corners / curves
Use the language of measurement in relation to shape and form eg. shorter, longer, narrower
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides, drawing shapes booklet and extra slides.
Student Worksheets: 112 Pages
Teaching Slides: 42 Slides
This is an introduction to Nonverbal Communication for teenagers and adults with special educational needs. It is a full course and includes student worksheets and teaching slides.
The resource is intended to introduce students to recognising and using nonverbal communication, including:
Types of nonverbal communication
Responding to nonverbal communication
Signs and symbols
These worksheets are designed to cover the following learning outcomes:
(NVC1) Use appropriate nonverbal behaviour to secure and maintain the attention of another
(NVC2) Communicate an idea/request non-verbally
(NVC3) Respond to body language, e.g. facial expression, gesture
(NVC4) Respond to common place signs and symbols, e.g. exit, no entry, hazard symbols
(NVC5) Sequence images/symbols associated with a familiar activity and or process
Topics include:
Facial expressions
Eye contact
Body language
Voice tone and volume
Personal space
Can this resource be used online?
Yes, it is a digital resource. If you have purchased this resource and would like to use it for online teaching, you have permission to do so. A fillable and printable version is included. Students can type in their answers online, or worksheets can be printed. Teachers can also use them for whole-class teaching using a projector or interactive whiteboard.
What is included?
All components are available in the zipped folder, i.e. student worksheets, teaching slides and extras.
Student Worksheets: 105 Pages
Teaching Slides: 42
These are free thinking puzzles for mainstream students and those with special educational needs. There are 50 questions and answers.
These puzzles can:
Get students thinking in a relaxed environment where they can share ideas and participate more fully in the class
Encourage critical and creative thinking
Develop problem-solving skills
Encourage students to share ownership for the learning environment of the class
Build rapport among students and foster a productive learning environment
Prepare students for collaborative group work
Make learning fun!
Q&A Slides: 114
Reading Questions for teenagers and adults with special education needs. The assessments can be used as initial assessment to develop an understanding of the learners’ needs, or they can be used for inclusion in the learners’ portfolios.
The exercises have been divided into the following categories:
Word focus
Text focus
Sentence focus
Reading comprehension
66 Pages